
Rattlesnake bites Amazon driver in Florida during delivery

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Robert Besser

Rattlesnake bites Amazon driver in Florida during delivery

Robert Besser
23 Sep 2023, 05:36 GMT+10

  • An Amazon driver making a delivery to a Florida home this week was bitten by a rattlesnake and is now in serious condition, officials said
  • Eastern diamondbacks are common in the Southeast U.S. and can grow to about seven feet in length, but are more commonly about four feet
  • According to the toxinology.com website, the eastern diamondback’s bite is fatal in 10 to 20 percent of cases if not treated

MARTIN COUNTY, Florida: An Amazon driver making a delivery to a Florida home this week was bitten by a rattlesnake and is now in serious condition, officials said.

In a news release, the Martin County Sheriff’s Office said, “The woman placed a box next to the home’s front door on September 18 evening when the eastern diamondback snake jumped out and bit her. She immediately became ill and called out for help.”

“She was taken to the hospital, where she was in a ‘very serious’ condition the next day,” the office added, noting the snake was caught and euthanized.

Eastern diamondbacks are common in the Southeast U.S. and can grow to about seven feet in length, but are more commonly about four feet.

According to the toxinology.com website, the eastern diamondback’s bite is fatal in 10 to 20 percent of cases if not treated.

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