Quotes by Cowboy Ron

you may vote left or right when you vote, but…

Education by cowboy Ron
Tp get the most of education, is good, what is…
The black National Anthem
The black National Anthem got the refreshment stands extra sales.Woke…

Inflation is when?
Inflation is when? You hire a Brinks armor truck to…

Snowflak-Taylor Arizona is the?
Snowflak-Taylor Arizona is the? Sunshine of the West.
Bad decision are not always made by bad people
Bad decision are not always made by bad people, #Think…
Inflation is when the Contractor
Inflation is when the Contractor,Charges you fifty dollars to tell…

Greedy men and women
They are creatures of habit they were born Greedy,they loved…

Money is the root of all evil And?
Money is the root of all evil And? The Root…
cowboy ron is now on youtube just type in cowboyron
cowboy ron is now on youtube just type in cowboyron…

Man always has enough money to Kill one another
Man always has enough money to Kill ,but never enough…

The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments does not take much time to learn,…
In Washington, Money grows on Trees
In Washington Money grows on Trees, That was one of…
For Better of worth until- Death does not mean
For Better of worth until- Death does not mean That…
Found a great radio station in Taylor AZ
Found a great radio station in Taylor AZ,I turned my…