
Dziambor: It should be a disgrace for Polish MEPs to vote against Poland

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Dziambor: It should be a disgrace for Polish MEPs to vote against Poland

Added: today 07:304,436155 12

Confederation MP Artur Dziambor
Confederation MP Artur Dziambor / Source: PAP / Rafał Guz

Some MEPs should consider whether they represent Poland or whether they are so pro-European that they have forgotten where they come from – says Artur Dziambor, a member of the Confederation, in an interview with the DoRzeczy.pl portal.https://76fe696e47c7cb544fd2464bacbfb259.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html


DoRzeczy.pl: MEP Roża Thun declares that he will vote for Article 7 against Polish and Hungary. This week, the EP held a debate on Poland on the rule of law. How do you assess such actions of the EU towards our country?

Artur Dziambor: It is very sad, but we are dealing with the same situation as in the case of the same votes a few weeks ago. At that time, we said in the Sejm that some MEPs should consider whether they represent Poland or are so pro-European that they have forgotten where they come from. For every MEP from Polish should be a disgrace to vote against Poland. Unfortunately, we are and live in a time when this type of behavior is perceived as a fight against the “ugly”. This is sad.

In addition, the Commissioner for Justice reminds that a fine of 160 million euros is imposed on Poland. Should we pay it?

For obvious reasons, we should not pay anything. From the beginning, this dispute has been about whether the European Union, with our consent, will be able to transform itself into a superstate, or whether we will put ourselves on the side of nation states. And if we are on the side of nation states, I think that is a good decision. In the future, the EU should be a community of states that decide for themselves, especially in terms of the judiciary and the law. If this is to be the case, we absolutely cannot take a step back here. We should not pay this money and accept the EU’s dictates.https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/core/bridge3.513.0_en.html#goog_1058845316https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/core/bridge3.513.0_en.html#goog_632361763Chokeberry – an underrated Polish superfoodFEATURED BY

But we have politicians who want that.

Yes, again, the members of the Civic Coalition look at it differently. More from the point of view of a European than a Pole. This is very sad. Interestingly, these politicians do not suffer any consequences. For their electorate, this is a fight against the government. They do not understand that on the outside it is harming Poland.

3 maja Parlament Europejski przyjął projekt wprowadzenia bardziej ujednoliconych zasad przeprowadzania wyborów unijnych oraz dodania ogólnoeuropejskiego okręgu wyborczego, w którym wybierano by 28 posłów do PE w dodatku do posłów wybieranych w okręgach krajowych lub regionalnych. Jak pan podchodzi do takich pomysłów?

Tak jak w Polsce mamy sytuację, w której sami sobie wybraliśmy pewien system, tak każdy inny kraj, wybiera europosłów, wedle systemu ustalonego przez siebie. Możemy zgodzić się, co do zmiany, która będzie szła w kierunku, w którym okręgiem wyborczym jest Polska. Tylko podkreślam, to nie powinno ustalane przez Unię Europejską, tylko przez państwo, które samo o sobie decyduje.

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