On this day in history, January 13th, 1129, 896 years ago today, the Knights Templar were
granted Papal sanction, and were declared by the pope to be an army of God. The Knights
Templar are shrouded in mystery and myth, and they are the source of many fascinating
stories. To become a Templar you had to follow many strict guidelines, and vow to live a life of
obedience, poverty, chastity, and promise to never surrender. What was the original purpose
of this famous group of knights? A small and brave band of men began the famous group with
the purpose of protecting Christians on pilgrimages to the Holy Land during the Crusades, and
defeating the Muslims in Palestine. Originally the Knights Templar had only around 9 members,
but things began to change for them when the Pope himself declared them an army of God 896
years ago today.
Rend Petersen